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Drag and Drop Reorder with jQuery, PHP & MySQL

In our previous tutorial, we have explained how to implement Data Export to Excel with PHP and MySQL. So in this tutorial, we will explain how to implement drag and drop sorting functionality with jQuery and PHP.

Drag and drop is a very user friendly feature that allows users to sort or reorder element by drag and drop on desired position. If you’re developing a web application that listing items or images, then you can easily add drag and drop functionality in your web application to increase user experience. You just need to use jQuery UI that enables you to easily add draggable functionality on items list.

We will also use MySQL database table to display items and also order of items after drag and drop reorder. The tutorial explained in easy steps with live demo to display list of images and then reorder images by drag and drop. The images order will be save in MySQL database on each image drag and drag using Ajax. You can also download source code of live demo.


Data Export to Excel with PHP and MySQL

In our previous tutorial, we have explained how to Create Ajax Pagination with PHP and MySQL. In this tutorial, we will explain how to implement Data Export to Excel file using PHP and MySQL.

Data export is a feature of web applications to allows users to save data list in a file to personal computer to use in future. We can export data in different file format but Excel is the best format as its supported by wide range of applications.

We have handled this tutorial in easy steps with live demo and link to download demo source code.


Multiple Image Upload with jQuery, PHP and MySQL

In our previous tutorial, we have explained how to implement crop image before upload with jQuery and PHP. In this tutorial, we will explain how to upload multiple images with progress bar using jQuery, PHP and MySQL.

Multiple image upload is a feature of web applications to allow users to upload multiple image at one time. The feature can be used with images upload in gallery etc in web projects.

The tutorial covered in easy steps with live demo to upload multiple images with progress bar and upload to server and also insert into MySQL database table. You will also find download link at the end of tutorial to download live demo source code.


Create Ajax Pagination with PHP and MySQL

In our previous tutorial, we have explained how to implement jQuery Datatables Server Side Processing with PHP & MySQL. In this tutorial, we will explain how to implement Ajax pagination in your project with PHP and MySQL.

Pagination is a common feature in web projects to display large data on a single page. The pagination with ajax is more user friendly as its allows to display records on same page without reloading page.

So If you’re looking for solution to implement ajax pagination with PHP and MySQL, then you’re here at right place. We will cover this tutorial with live demo to implement ajax pagination with PHP and MySQL.


jQuery Datatables Server Side Processing with PHP & MySQL

In our previous tutorial, we have explained how to implement Implement jQuery Bootgrid with PHP & MySQL. In this tutorial, we will explain how to implement jQuery Datatables with PHP and MySQL.

Datatables is a jQuery grid plugin that convert simple HTML tables into advance data grid with features such as Pagination, instant search, export table data and multi-column ordering etc. The Datatables can be implement easily with both Bootstrap and jQuery UI.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps with live demo and link to download complete source code of live demo.


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