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Build Simple Todo Application in React

In our previous React tutorial, we have explained how to implement Datatable in React. In this tutorial, we will explain how to build a simple Todo Application in React.

We will develop a simple Todo application to create a todo item, update it, delete
and display todo list. So we will handle complete CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operation that’s important to develop application using React.

As we will create a simple Todo list means we will create a JavaScript list to contain todos and perform operations on it. So it will not keep track of todos if we refresh page.


How to Make API Call in React

In our previous tutorial, we have explained about Mapping Components in React. In this tutorial, we will explain how to make API call in React.

React is the most popular front-end framework used to make web applications. The API calls are made to get data and render into application. So making call to api is an important part of a React app.

So here in this tutorial, we will explain how to integrate APIs in your React application. We will build an app to make API request and get json data. Then we will list employee data from response json data.


Chat Application with Node.js, Express & MongoDB

Chat Application are developed and used for conversation. It is a special feature and used in many websites to allow user to conversation. The conversations are run one to one or group conversation among multiple users. Generally, web chat applications are developed with server side languages and it’s always challenge to get the real time chat data.

So if you’re thinking about developing your own chat application with real time data, then it’s a very easy with Node.js. In our previous tutorial you have learned about User Authentication and Authorization with Node.js. In this tutorial you will learn how to implement Real-time Chat application with Node.js, Express and MongoDB. We will use the JavaScript framework Express.js and Node.js modules Mangoose and to implement the full functional chat system.


Build Currency Converter with PHP

In our previous tutorial, we have explained about Data Export to Excel with PHP and MySQL. In this tutorial, we will explain how to build currency converter in PHP using Google Finance Currency API.

Currency convert is a an important functionality that converts the quantity of one currency into the relative quantities of other currencies. For example, if you have dollar currency and visiting to another country, you need to exchange you currency into local currency, then you would need to know your currency conversion rate. For currency conversion, Google provides Google Finance Currency API to convert your currency into your desired currency. You can easily build your own currency converter using Google Currency API.

We have also handled Bitcoin conversion to other currencies in live demo script.

The tutorial explained in easy steps with live demo and link to download source code of live demo.


Convert JSON to Excel using JavaScript

In previous tutorial, we have explained how to Convert Excel to JSON using JavaScript. In this tutorial, we will explain how to convert JSON into Excel File using JavaScript.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format and widely used in web application. It is plain text written in JavaScript object notation.

While working with APIs, mostly the available data is in JSON format and need to convert into desired format. As the Excel file type is popular file type that contains numerical data separated by rows and columns within a cell, we sometimes need to convert JSON object into Excel file.


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