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Rust for Javascript developers

Rust for javascript developers is a programming language that has been gaining much traction lately. Not only it’s an interesting language to learn, but it’s also an exciting one that allows you to write highly-performant and safe code. If you are a JavaScript developer wondering what Rust is all about, and you don’t want to hire rust developers you are definitely in the right place.

What is Rust?

Rust is a programming language focusing on memory safety, thread safety, and concurrency. It is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety. Code in Rust must be memory-safe before you can execute it. Rust has a minimalistic syntax and embraces immutability. It is easy to learn and uses a modern concurrency model.

What is rust used for?

Rust provides a front-end for the LLVM compiler, making it easy to create swift native code. It is geared towards creating high-performance, maintainable, and reliable software.
Rust’s most famous product is the rust web framework, called Diesel, which makes it easy to create high-performance REST APIs. It’s swift and clean compared to other frameworks like Express.

Rust key features:

1: Memory safety

Rust was designed to prevent segmentation faults and memory leaks. Memory safety is achieved by ensuring that all memory is managed in a type-safe manner through the use of references and borrowing. This idea of ownership and moving values rather than sharing them also make concurrency more accessible to reason about and easier to write safe code.

2: Concurrency

In Rust, concurrency is done with threads. Threads are lightweight only for the actual code involved. The framework provides high-level threading abstractions in the form of concepts like channels, locks, mutexes, and condition variables.

3: Language design

Rust’s syntax is simple and declarative, with a focus on immutability. It is easy to read, write and debug safe code in Rust. Rust’s syntax was created with safety in mind and is much more expressive than a simple C-like language like C.

4: Performance

Rust achieves blazingly fast performance. The platform’s negligible GC overhead helps ensure the runtime is efficient and predictable. The compiler generates native code for highly configurable systems to ensure that the code runs optimally on these platforms.

5: Maintainability

There are many ways to measure maintainability, but one of the best is code review. Rust provides many tools to support code review and help detect critical bugs early in the development cycle.

Form javascript to Rust

Rust is a great language to learn and get into; its syntax is as simple as Python but with very little syntactical sugar. So if you have JavaScipt background, it will look very familiar. However, it does not have classes, inheritance, or methods. The only construct that looks similar to JavaScript is the function. The syntax seems inspired by Python, which is true because Python encourages it. The best way to leverage the rust to JavaScript functionality you know is to create programs in Rust.

Types of Rust codes:

1: Constants

Constants are declared using the const keyword. As you can see, you can display a constant using any identifier, followed by =, then the value. The value is also known as a “literal.” Here are some examples of continuous declarations: Rust supports these types natively: integers (i32), floats (f32), characters (u8), and strings (String).

2: Variables

Variables are declared using the let keyword. The variable can be any identifier of the type you define it as. For example, suppose we want to display a variable “a” initialized with a value. In that case, we can do this: You can also declare multiple variables at once: The variable exclusive_snowflake is a const variable because you cannot change the matter. You would have to reassign a new value to change it.

3: Structs

Structs in Rust have several similarities with Java’s classes. Structs are different from Java’s classes, however. The Rust equivalent of Java’s style is the struct. There is no subclassing in Rust like there is in Java. It’s not possible to subclass anything in Rust.
Rust uses structs as containers for fields. Each field inside a struct can directly be referenced using a naming syntax similar to an array or dictionary. In addition, you can use the null keyword to declare variables that do not have values.

4: Enums

Enums in Rust are types that can hold several constants in the form of named tuples, which look similar to C++’s structs and C #’s enums. Enum members are called “tags” in Rust. Here is an example: When we define enum members, it must be a value that contains a list of values. It cannot have any other types. An empty tuple is a corresponding value for an enum with no different values.

5: Functions

Rust has functioned just like most other programming languages. You can define functions in Rust in many ways. Functions defined with the fn keyword are called “functions”:
Alternatively, you can use the -> operator to define a function with a single parameter: It is impossible to call parts with no arguments. The function parameter type is inferred if you omit the type annotation. Rust does not provide support for classes, inheritance, and so forth. For example, we cannot define a style named Circle in Rust.

6: Modules

Modules are an entity in Rust that brings together a collection of related items, just like in Java. You can think of modules as similar to Java’s packages. Modules have a fully-qualified name (FQN) and consist of a word and path separated by::. You can have as many modules as you want. Here is an example: When you import a module, it will look for the file with the same FQN and then import all the items inside it. Modules are an excellent way to modularize your code in Rust. They are a valuable tool for organizing code and keeping related things together. In addition, they will make your code more readable because they make it easier to identify what’s inside the module and what makes up its contents.

Rust is a fantastic language to learn and use, whether you are a beginner or a hardened developer. The language is still very young for the memory safety guarantees it offers. You can start learning Rust today and create high-performance, reliable and maintainable software tomorrow.


Eisele Candace has 7 years of experience as a freelance technical writer, specializing in content related to IT technologies, programming and UI/UX design. Holder of a Master’s degree in Journalism and Public Relations. She has also completed design and programming courses in “UI / UX design”, iOS and Python in Mansfield, OH. She has been already learning Rust programming language for a year.

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