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Chat Application with Node.js, Express & MongoDB

Chat Application are developed and used for conversation. It is a special feature and used in many websites to allow user to conversation. The conversations are run one to one or group conversation among multiple users. Generally, web chat applications are developed with server side languages and it’s always challenge to get the real time chat data.

So if you’re thinking about developing your own chat application with real time data, then it’s a very easy with Node.js. In our previous tutorial you have learned about User Authentication and Authorization with Node.js. In this tutorial you will learn how to implement Real-time Chat application with Node.js, Express and MongoDB. We will use the JavaScript framework Express.js and Node.js modules Mangoose and to implement the full functional chat system.


User Authentication and Authorization with Node.js

In our previous tutorial, we have explained about Chat Application with Node.js, Express & MongoDB. In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement user authentication and Authorization in Node.js.

Authentication and authorization is an important part of any web applications. There can be many routes in a application that provides resources to users. If the authentication and authorization is not handled properly then sensitive information can compromised. So it is very important to provide proper user authentication to provide access to the different resources.

So if you’re developing application with Node.js and wants to implement authentication and authorization, then you’re here at the right place.


User Login and Registration with Node.js, Express & MySQL

In our previous tutorial, we have explained about User Authentication and Authorization with Node.js. In this tutorial we will learn how to implement user registration and login functionality with Node.js, Express & MySQL.

User login and registration is an important functionality of web application to allow users to create account and login. The functionality is created for user authentication to allow users to access different resources according to user role.

So if you’re working on web application wants to create user registration and login functionality, then you’re here at the right place.

We will implement the user registration and login functionality with user authentication. We will store the user information into session for authentication purpose.
